Help Ukraine!
Please support Ukraine in these unprecedented times. Your donation will make a difference! Ukrainian San Antonio along with other US based and Ukrainian based organizations are working to collect and procure medical and humanitarian supplies to help Ukrainians who are in Ukraine.
You can donate by credit card by clicking on the button below. Or you can donate by check by making the check to Ukrainian San Antonio and mailing it to the address below.
EIN: 47-5276129
Strong People Project
Strong People is a long-term Ukrainian based project that helps internally displaced children within Ukraine. Project’s main objective is to restore the psychophysical health of those who suffered as a result of Russia's war against Ukraine. Ukrainian San Antonio, through generous donations of our members and community at large, is very proud to support the Strong People initiative. Initial funding for the project came from a charity event held at the end of June 2022 at Emma Hotel in San-Antonio, TX.
Our Impact So Far
Since the start of the unlawful Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24th, we have raised almost $315K, thanks to the incredible support of our donors. We are grateful to individual donors, foundations, and businesses for standing with Ukrainian people. So far, we have distributed almost 60% of our raised funds and over 97% of those distributed funds has gone directly to humanitarian aid. Our fundraising and spending to date by category is summarized below.
Life Saving First Aid: Emergency medical supplies, vehicles, and protective gear and equipment for staff for treating severely injured civilians in the field.
Medical Supplies and Equipment: Prescription and OTC medications, portable X-ray machines, wound treatment equipment, and other.
Other Humanitarian Aid: Food, water, refugee relocation and evacuation, children needs, shelter repair, etc.
Supply Chain: Air and ground shipping, delivery vehicles.
Misc: Uncategorized aid and fundraising cost.
Donations by Category
Spending by Category
On April 14th, 2022 San Antonio City Council passed a resolution of support for Ukrainian people condemning “Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and expressing heartfelt support to the country of Ukraine and its people”. Vitalii Tarasiuk, Consulate General of Ukraine in Houston along with representatives from Ukrainian San Antonio nonprofit organization also spoke during the meeting. We want to thank Mayor Ron Nirenberg and entire San Antonio City Council for this move. Great thanks to San Antonio San Antonio District 4 Councilwoman Adriana Rocha Garcia, PhD for initiating this resolution and for her steadfast support. Ukrainian San Antonio Board Members Olenka Bravo, Olena Garcia, and Olena Khrystyuk presented at the City Council session as well.
Walter Duranty was the recipient of the prestigious Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for his reporting in The New York Times of Joseph Stalin’s collectivization program, called The Five-Year Plan, which served as a vehicle for the genocide of 7-10 million Ukrainians, called Holodomor. Denying publicly any famine, Walter Duranty did in private acknowledge Stalin’s atrocities but continued to lie in order to have access to Stalin.
The silence by Walter Duranty not only killed millions of Ukrainians but also led to the current atrocities by the Russian Federation.
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“Рiдна мова на чужинi
Ще милiшою стає.”
— Павло Грабовський
Strong People is a long-term Ukrainian based project that helps internally displaced children within Ukraine. Project’s main objective is to restore the psychophysical health of those who suffered as a result of Russia's war against Ukraine.