Ukrainian Cultural Club Meeting
Pysanky are traditionally made with a wax writing tool called kistka, colorful dyes, and candle. Please join to learn about history of pysanky and a chance to make a pysanka yourself.

Ukrainian Cultural Club Meeting
Homemade Ukrainian cheese is a must during the week of Masnytsia. At the next meeting of Ukrainian Cultural Club you will learn how to make the cheese, dishes you can make with it, and tradition of Masnytsia.

Ukrainian Cultural Club Meeting
Please join us for another Ukrainian inspired arts and crafts class. This time we’ll be making a Ukrainian heart. We are looking forward to seeing everyone!

Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration at Ukrainian Cultural Club
Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration at Ukrainian Cultural Club.
Dear friends, please join us for a social gathering to celebrate Ukraine's independence. Music performances, fun activities for the kids, and an opportunity to meet Ukrainian community in Town.
Admission is free.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone!

Small Business Event
Безкоштовний семінар про те як відкрити свій бізнес у США. До семінару можуть долучитись усі українці у Сан Антоніо.

Ukrainian San Antonio is delighted to invite each and everyone of you to "The Kobzar's Prayer for Ukraine" Fundraiser for Ukraine's Armed Forces and Kobzar Guild by Jurij Fedynskyj as a part of his 2023 US-Canada tour!
Please join us on June 10 at 7pm at the office of Musical Bridges Around the World located at 23705 W IH-10 Frontage Road, Suite 101, San Antonio, TX 78257
You will have a unique opportunity to learn about the sacred national musical instruments of Ukraine, such as bandura, kobza and torban! And enjoy the concert of amazing Yurij Fedynskyj!
Admission is free. Voluntary donations are encouraged.
Refreshments will be provided by Ukrainian San Antonio.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the event!

For the first time ever in San Antonio, TX - MAVKA: THE FOREST SONG - San Antonio, TX!
Brought to by Liberty Ukraine Foundation & Flix Brewhouse! With the support from Ukrainian San Antonio. This is a community building event.
Language: ENGLISH
Click on the top right corner: BUY TICKETS
Select Theatre (scroll down): San Antonio, TX
Select Date (Click on the top right corner): June 10, 2023
Click on the Mavka
Synopsis: Mavka is a Soul of the Forest and its newly chosen Guardian. Her primary mission is to protect the Forest and its sacrosanct Heart - the Source of Life itself - against any aggression or intrusion, including on the part of humans. Lucas is an unassuming village boy, who has a great love of music and pours his talent into playing his wooden flute and dreaming of devoting his life to this passion of his. And Lucas's music does help bring about something truly remarkable: Mavka and Lucas meet and fall in love. From the start, their union is pitted against formidable odds, but the obstacles loom even larger once the avaricious Kylina threatens the Heart of the Forest. Will Mavka be able to save the forest? Will Lucas's music be able to make miracles and save the love? Will the two worlds be able to unite against the evil?

Dear friends, let’s get together once again for our «ПОСИДЕНЬКИ» Community building event and fundraiser! 💫💫💫
We will have delicious Ukrainian cuisine and Ukrainian live music for you at the evening!
Guest Speaker:
Alejandro DeHoyos, San Antonio Spurs videographer and filmmaker who recently traveled to frontlines in Ukraine!
Please join us for the screening of «Passport preachers" documentary by Alejandro DeHoyos about Ukraine relief efforts, Q&A with Alejandro DeHoyos!
Admission is free. Donations are greatly appreciated. European Dumplings Cafe is donating a part of proceeds to support the Alejandro DeHoyo’s mission in Ukraine.
Looking forward to meeting everyone of you at the event!

Ukrainian Restaurant - Grand Opening
We are thrilled to invite you to the Grand Opening of a brand-new Ukrainian cuisine restaurant in San Antonio, Texas - European Dumplings Cafe💫⚡️✨💥💥
Please join us for this celebratory event and be one of the first customers to enjoy a delicious Borshch, VARENYKY and more!
Doors open at 12 noon 🕛
We will conduct a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 5 pm!
Followed by an entertainment program!
We are looking forward to meeting all of you at the event!

365 Days of Bravery: Rally for Ukraine
Please join us for “365 Days of Bravery: Rally for Ukraine” commemorating the one-year anniversary of russia’s brutal and deadly war in Ukraine!
Please make sure to attend this event and take the day off from work if needed.
We gather at 12 noon in front of San Fernando Cathedral at 115 Main Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205.
You are welcome to bring posters, flags and banners with you.
We will also provide posters.

Candlelight Vigil for Ukraine
Dear all, the evening of February 23rd American time marks exactly one year anniversary since russia’s deadly war in Ukraine.
We invite you to come and lit a candle commemorating all our brothers and sisters that were brutally killed in this war.
5:30-6:30 - 365 Days of Bravery dedication
6:30-7:30 - Candlelight Vigil and City Hall lighting

Two Regimes Exhibit
This Two Regimes Exhibition, about the Holodomor-genocide in 1932-33 and the Holocaust in Ukraine in 1941, was made possible through the generous support of the Helen and Paul Baszucki Family and the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta) and is locally supported by UTSA and UTSA for Ukraine Affinity Group.

Ukrainian Traditional Clay Toy Master Class
Dear Friends,
We cordially invite you to join us for a master class on how to make traditional Ukrainian clay toys. FREE. MUST REGISTER.
Дорогі друзі,
Mи сердечно запрошуємо вас долучитися до майстер-класу «Українські глиняні свищики»! Безкоштовний клас. Реєстрaція ОБОВ‘ЯЗКОВА!

Ukrainian Christmas Charity Event
Dear Friends,
We cordially invite you join us for Ukrainian Christmas Charity Event!
We are very grateful for all our community members staying strong and united in these unprecedented times for our Motherland Ukraine!
We are looking forward to meet our long time members as well as new people in town who have just arrived and welcome them to our big family!
Please mark your calendars 📆 for Friday, December 16th at 6 pm.
Admission is free. Please register for the event using the link
This event is hosted by Ukrainian San Antonio nonprofit organization.
Дорогі друзі,
Mи сердечно запрошуємо вас долучитися до цьогорічних Різдвяних Вечорниць в місті Сан-Антоніо, штат Техас!
Ми надзвичайно вдячні всім вам за те, що стояли з нами за нашу Батьківщину впродовж року, волонтерили, виходили на мітинги!
З нетерпінням чекаємо на зустріч з новими членами нашої спільноти, які щойно прибули до міста!
Збережіть, будь ласка дату! Згодом буде більше подробиць. Цей захід доя всієї родини! Приходьте, будь ласка, самі та запрошуйте друзів!
Вхід вільний! Будь ласка зареєструйтесь за посиланням
Захід влаштовує громадська організація Ukrainian San Antonio

Two Regimes Exhibit at the Igo Library
This Two Regimes Exhibition, about the Holodomor-genocide in 1932-33 and the Holocaust in Ukraine in 1941, was made possible through the generous support of the Helen and Paul Baszucki Family and the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta) and is locally sponsored by the City of San Antonio and Igo Library.

Opening Ceremony - Two Regimes Exhibit at the Igo Library
This Two Regimes Exhibition, about the Holodomor-genocide in 1932-33 and the Holocaust in Ukraine in 1941, was made possible through the generous support of the Helen and Paul Baszucki Family and the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta) and is locally sponsored by the City of San Antonio and Igo Library.

Fundraiser Georgian-Ukrainian Food Sampling
Please come and enjoy a real Georgian evening !
Friendly atmosphere, good music, games, drinks, cocktails and delicious Georgian cuisine made by actual Georgian cooks!
Pre-pay for 3 serving meal dinners for one person via QR code! The ticket includes: khinkali, kabob and vereniki. Must be purchased in advance by November the 3rd!
Kids friendly! Extra menu is available!

Veselka Dance Performance at Dracula Festival
Please join us for Veselka’s performance at Dracula Festival on Saturday, October 29, 2022. Veselka will perform at 11:30am and 1:30pm.

Two Regimes Exhibit
This Two Regimes Exhibition, about the Holodomor-genocide in 1932-33 and the Holocaust in Ukraine in 1941, was made possible through the generous support of the Helen and Paul Baszucki Family and the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta) and is locally sponsored by the City of Bandera, Bandera County Library, Lakehills Library, Bandera County Siter Partnership Association, Bandera Historical Commission and Bandera Convention and Visitor Bureau.

Ukrainian Borscht Fundraiser
Please join us for this fundraising event and enjoy a delicious bowl or two of iconic Ukrainian borscht! $5 from each bowl of borscht will go directly to Ukraine to provide much needed help. We are very grateful to our sponsor European Dumplings Cafe www.europeandumplings.com for donating ingredients and cooking amazing borscht for all of you!
This is a three day event. You can purchase as many bowls of borscht as you'd like and come as many days as you want. We kindly ask that you purchase your bowls of borscht in advance so European Dumplings Cafe can properly plan and prepare.
European Dumplings Cafe is a food truck located at 12157 Potranco Rd, San Antonio, Texas 78253. The event will be held at the above food truck park.
We look forward to seeing you all at the borscht fundraiser.
Ukrainian San Antonio Team.

Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration
Join us for celebration of Ukraine’s Independence Day Please on Wednesday, August 24, 2022. The legendary Ukrainian rock band Sky will headline the evening’s program along with performances by members of local Ukrainian San Antonio’s community and Austin-based dance ensemble Soniashnyk.

Ukrainian Charity Concert
Please join us for an evening of beautiful Ukrainian music and help us raise funds to help Ukraine.

Ukrainian Benefit Reception at Hotel Emma
Join us at Hotel Emma at Pearl in the Elephant Cellar for a reception to raise funds for Ukraine!
Enjoy passed appetizers and cocktails created by Chefs John Brand, Jorge Luis Hernandez, Page Pressley, Mikeldi Concuero, and David Casares.
Enjoy a magnificent fashion show by March 11 - an iconic and modern Ukrainian vyshyvankas brand.
Contribute to our tourniquets, ambulances, and/or rehab center fundraisers.
Event is organized by Hotel Emma at Pearl.
$50 from each ticket sold will be donated to our nonprofit organization Ukrainian San Antonio.

Pearl Market Ukrainian Fair
Please join us for Ukrainian arts, crafts, and food at the Pearl market.

Untitled Event
Join us for a fundraising night to help Ukraine and enjoy fine Texas whiskey, delicious Georgian dumplings, and yummy Laika cheesecakes.

Resolution by the City Council on Holodomor and Current Events in Ukraine
The San Antonio City Council will read the resolution about HOLODOMOR and current events in Ukraine. This is a very important event and we strongly encourage everyone to join us.